Chick Flick

By Flick

More News from the valley just for Northern

water went off today, gas pipeline people broke it ..water board mended it.

Found library book on Camera Shy's side of bed ,covered in star books, am trying to bribe Emily to take the book back for me no success yet..

Percy pigeon has gone as has Colin the cat ...only to discover the bluddy cat lying very comfortably on one of the beds upstairs this evening I tell you that cat is moving in ...
cooked a great stir fry this evening even Emily liked it
all of which has nothing to do with the picture ... but hey

Tomorrow a doc appt ..I have not been cancelled, I will lie in wait to do battle if needs be
it's all go here

oh and ssh England are thru to the 1/4 finals, who'd have thought ?
and even the new manager whathisname impresses me he took off bolloxy Rooney. Now that was brave as well as intelligent ( I think Roy is like a woman ...ruthless)

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