Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Know when to stop

An Indian tour de gastronomie tonight, and I use the phrase without hyperbole: it was quite superb, ranks up there with terre a terre in Brighton and The Acorn in Bath as truly first class meat free food.  Surrey Spice run pop up restaurants and dining and are really lovely and welcoming. Great way to start the weekend. I ate too much of course; I lack self control when confronted with first class food. Key message: know when to stop.

As for the rest:

Had a four hour driving course starting at 8am this morning. 20 naughty boys and girls who started off quiet and a bit sulky and ended up enthused and educated. Well done to Barry and Pete who should be on the stage. Their key message: know when to stop.

Nice afternoon with TSM, so good to be off together after a horrendous couple of weeks at work. Even managed to do some high energy cleaning so that I can wake up to a nice house tomorrow. Work has dominated recently and it really has got out of hand. Key message? You guessed it. Know when to stop ...

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