Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The winner of World War Two ...

... seems to have been the nation that was best at crossword puzzles.

Bletchley Park: iconic, fascinating and soon to feature the ubiquitous Benedict Cumberbatch in a movie that will win plaudits but probably over-dramatises the very tedious and detailed processes and processes within processes that were needed to unjumble even a simple German military transmission.

Took lots of photographs of tea, telephones, typewriters and course codebreaking machines that are now hailed as the world's first computers; unusual weapons of mass deduction. The camp is fascinating and gives a real sense of lots of very intelligent people working long hours, eating bad food, riding around on bicycles, occasionally copping off with each other over fruit cake and thermos flasks, oh and of course shortening the war by two years in achieving victory in the greatest conflict the world has ever seen.

Unmissable and impossible to really understand unless you have a brain the size of a planet. But don't even try. They've done all the hard work, just sit back and soak up this very, very well presented museum of a unique community in a fascinating time...

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