Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


Helped the neighbours on the first leg of their many legged homeward journey. Still don't understand why two people need eight items of luggage, especially when one person is in a wheel chair. Neither do I understand why spoons had been packed into one of the holdalls – I guess they mistake excess baggage for lottery tickets. There's nowt so queer as folk!

Went for eye tests and was happy to discover that ten years of gazing at distant mountains instead of making architectural drawings has had a beneficial effect upon my long-distance vision. However, my short-distance vision has deteriorated slightly and so two new pairs of specs are required, one for embroidery and one for gazing at distant mountains. While the new lenses are being made I am happily spec-free and still safe to drive :-)

Neither the lap-top nor the tower have a slot for the camera card so I have to use a USB cable. For some reason the tower has ceased to be able to see this though the lap-top still can. The lap-top is too tiny to use for decent photograph selection so photographs must be copied onto a flash drive which the tower can still see. Tortuous and a little worrying.

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