Helsinki (day 2 - kind of)

I was up before 6 to get the 8:30 ferry to Tallinn.

For some bizarre reason I'd booked the 7:30 sitting for breakfast on the ferry. I amaze myself sometimes.

A very bouncy crossing. Luckily these things don't affect me. My breakfast reached Tallinn too.

I've been to the city twice before, but both were frenetic overnight work trips. The first (1994) was frenetic because my local colleagues wanted to spend an hour on work and 6 hours in the pub. The second (1997) because I had 7 meetings in one day (a personal best).

Nice today to have time to myself to just relax and wander around.

The Blip is just an example of the quirky kind of thing you'll find there - growing randomly out of a wall.

The extra shots are more routine "what I did on Saturday" kind of stuff.

Back at the apartment for 10pm. A long day.

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