Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

It's goodbye,good luck and thank you

Today was an emotional day - Devendra and Bakula Patel have been told that they have 5 days to lose their livelihood, 5 frigg'n days...they have been our delightful Dairy owners for 14 years. Over the last two months they have had to deal with sewer works in front of their shop which has greatly affected their income as cars and pedestrians were routed around another street.
To make matters worse, they are now told that they have 5 days to leave their quake damaged home and business - like WTF.
Where do people learn about communication skills and support! How is a business owner and family supposed to uproot in 5 days lock stock and barrel.
It is appaling. They have children in local schools, they have stock and plant to move and little chance to find storage!!!!!
It is a single story wooden building - what is with this landlord....why NOW - they have been their since September 2010 and operating. What has changed????
You go CERA and You Go Gerry Brownlee and make things sound so peachy keen - WELL THEY ARE NOT and They affect REAL PEOPLE !!

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