Canley Cemetry

Although the entry today is sort of grim i assure you my day wasnt at all. I decided Id cycle around the nearby area to get to know the vicinity. I knew about this cemetery when i was in my first year but never got the chance to cycle here or have a look around (not that i knew anyone buried in here). I was amazed how extensive the cemetery was. I only took a few photos since I dont really think what i was doing was respectful to the departed at all.

After just a few minutes of cycling around the vicinity, i proceeded to Tesco and bought my ingredients for tonight's dinner with flatmates. I decided on cooking seafood chowder (which i have seem to have perfected) and baked pesto chicken with parmesan (yes the one i blipped yesterday). I think i have made a good dinner since Jasmine and Miguel were thankful about the whole thing and they looked genuinely happy with my food. Although i overestimated the amount of ingredients i have put into the chowder and we had a lot of leftover.

All in all day was ok and our tummies were happy at the end of the day.

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