
By Appreciation

What A Difference A Day Makes

In less that 24 hours I was digging for victory and completely care free. The allotment is all about blousey show off barassicas just now.  The kale has never looked vibrant.  The cauliflower looks so sweet, all those little florets bunched together hiding from the light.  The broccoli are reaching high above everyone and that purple hue captured my eye.  The cabbage, oh the cabbage, so round, and glossy and sweet.  Tonight's coleslaw was the freshest thing I have tasted in a while.  Juicy, crunchy and utterly utterly delicious.  I can't tell you the joy my visit brought.  

The apples in the extra photo just look like someone took them off the tree and polished them before re-attaching them.  Blemish free and begging to be eaten.  A girl simply couldn't refuse.

Such sweet joy.  What A Difference A Day Makes

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