
By Appreciation


Every time I am out here I forget to take my camera.  Every time!  Each time some stunning scene unfolds before my eyes.  This morning I couldn't resist the sunrise, so I got out my phone and here is the result. Not bad, but not as good as it should be.  I will remember next time, I will remember next time.....

The autumn colours were clear to see today and despite my refusing to acknowledge the change in season (thus my feet are freezing and I never have a jacket handy) it would appear to be happening all around me.  

It's an excuse to make soup.  I love soup as much as I love digging the earth.  A large bowl of thick steaming soup and some lovely bread and I'm in heaven.  One of the rare delights of not having my children at home just now is that I can happily tuck into soup and bread and call it 'a meal' or even 'tea'.  Words my son would not understand.  Soup is a starter for him, or a lunch, but even then it has to be meaty soup. Parsnip and Chorizio last week, cauliflower, kale and peanut butter this week.   Such a cheap date, I must work on my expensive tastes.

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