Lali's World

By Lali

A lock

Yesterday I had one of those days when you can't just bring yourself to do anything. I barely managed to drag myself out of the flat just to buy a couple of things in Tesco's. Other than that, I stayed home all day and tried to catch up with stuff as much as my mood allowed me. I had no motivation whatsoever for photos, so I didn't take any..

Today was a different story though. After a good sleep, I went to the gym, which was much needed, and then I met a couple to talk about a wedding cake for April. After that, I went home and caught up with other stuff.

Tomorrow I will do my shopping and packing for my holidays. The most difficult part is to decide what to take with me. I always end up taking things I don't need.

Not great weather today. Let's hope it's nicer tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your comments, stars and hearts on the cake I made for my friend. I do really appreciate them. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! :)

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