Water droplets - an abstract

It's been really busy at work today.

The day started with rain but it cleared up later on in the afternoon. It was nice to see the sunshine, for a change.

I could feel a bit of sadness and disappointment on the yes voting side at work. I can understand, I voted yes too...

These last few weeks have been quite intensive for me with work, the wedding and what not, and I'm feeling knackered. I can't wait to my holidays next week. Still getting there with the editing of the wedding photos. It's taking a bit longer because I've been working and I have a very slow computer, which doesn't help.

I haven't had any news from the camera yet. Hope it's nothing serious..

Sorry I haven't had much time to visit your jounals and leave comments, as I've been really busy. Hope you understand.

I also hope you had a nice day and you're enjoying your weekend! :)

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