
Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary.

Mr C is away so i got my present today.

It's a charm for my Pandora bracelet chosen by my son. How lovely in memory of my old boy who he calls the big dog. He was a big dog, a lovely big soft big dog.

Its been a busy day as usual. Pudding afternoon at church, mam supported the pudding afternoons so i go and eat hers now. It's a dreadful chore going to sample all those lovely puddings with fruit and cream, guateax chocolates and meringues, its awful but i force myself to do it as I'm sure its what my mam would want me to do.

After puddings teenage daughter and i went to visit a relative at sunny silloth as it was their birthday, only it wasn't sunny it was raining cats and dogs was windy and cold. The chinese was nice tho.

Home again to watch downton abbey. I caught it on plus one but guess who fell asleep for the last half hour! Dreadful. Such a busy day i must have been tired.

Then off to bed to wait for my anniversary tommorrow.

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