To me.

19 years ago I said "I do" and I did.

We've been married 19 years. I can't lie and say its been perfect cos there are times when I could have put Mr C under the patio! Not permanently just enough time for him to see the error of his ways and agree with me and let me have my way, its not much to ask I don't think.

On the other hand he's maybe had the same idea for me until I see sense and agree with him.

Nobody's perfect, apart from me and a work colleague, its hard living up to perfection but we manage every day! Mr C is not perfect but he comes a close second.

The biscuits have nothing to do with our anniversary. They were a gift to my son from the lady in the garage who got him them because he has requested the garage stock them. His face was a picture and thrilled to get these lovely biscuits.

I'm having a 'good day' now to celebrate my 19 years. Here's to another 19 and the rest.

Happy anniversary to me.

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