Baby eating soup and salad

Swimming lesson again this morning. Luckily the buses were free of buggies so we got there early. Mummy and I had a wee swim, but it was a bit scary because when I walked down the steps and into the pool, I just kept on going under the water - no armbands, you see. Mummy said if I moved my arms and legs, I would float, but I didn't, so we got armbands instead. The lesson was good despite the absence of my friend E. Afterwards, Daddy and Baby (who'd been shopping) joined us to play in the water, then we had lunch in the cafe. We're always extremely hungry. Here is Baby, who has even resorted to eating lettuce!
In the afternoon we just stayed at home (Baby having a nap, of course; I couldn't get into the buggy because of the shopping, so I didn't). Then it was dinner and then Jana took over to give us a bath and put us to bed.

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