Transporting Baby in wooden cart

I do like driving Baby around, and he likes it too, although Mummy wouldn't let me put him in when he'd escaped.
Baby knocked over Mummy's tea and got burnt. After several phone calls whilst holding him under the tap, we ended up with an ambulance. That was moderately exciting but by then I was watching a film.
We went to Croileagan after they'd left. I just had time for a bit of gluing and then it was time for snack. Baby slept on the way, cried, and then was happy playing and eating snack, though it looks sore.
Afterwards, Mummy and I had a bit of lunch. Baby had a long nap but I didn't, though I did lie down for stories with Mummy a bit. Then Baby had lunch, I had a snack, and I played with Baby. I was very tired and ate baby food for dinner!

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