Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Lunch in the ward.

Sunday: L is having lunch with a fellow patient who is awaitng a hip reaplacement tomorrow. I'll be taking notes as I wait for my own.
Monday: L's surgery  went well, he was very brave in spite of a few fears he'd accumulated during the wait. Post op he  was in considerable discomfort until he finally fell asleep, after which he felt brighter and more comfortable.
With both of his  hands being out of action, we couldn't play games, so I suggested he listen to some music on my headphones. I set him up with a Handel playlist, wondering whether he still appreciated this kind of music now that he is getting older. 
He listened very intently to several pieces and then surprise, surprise, he asked me to turn the volume up  and this is what he was listening to:  

I spent last night on a camp bed beside him. If you are ill enough you can sleep through anything but there was so much noise coming form the next ward. They had the TV on loud and it was only when they turned the volume down that I realised why. There was  a very old gent who deprived of his marbles, was ranting, calling for his mummy  and rattling the bed making a tremendous racket all night long. 
L was awake for an hour or so during the night, asking what was happening. The chap who had his hip op was snoring delightfully and I think the nurses were having some kind of  a party in their little room, judging by the sound of it.
Tuesday: L. has his arm freed up, the hand splinted and is back home again with another experience under his belt. 

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