Salad days

Amazingly, neither of us gained weight on holiday, believe me, it wasn't for lack of trying! All the walking obviously did the trick which is a bonus.

Still, now we're home it's back to healthy, home cooked food. This was my lunch today and it was really yummy.

I was tempted to call in at the chippy after work last night, especially with Mr A not being in, but I opted instead to make roast chicken that has also done for lunch for us both.

Mr A has been off today but I think he wishes he wasn't; some moron or as he put it, a mullet haired gyppo in a white van ran him off the road and has resulted in a written off tyre and a badly scraped wheel.

I know it could be worse but it's so annoying when he's not had the car for long.
I think a dashcam might be the next purchase :-/

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