
By DramaQueen

Poor students

I attended our local college open evening tonight, with the hope of enrolling on a photography course.

As expected, it was full of teens and their parents and I found the staff to be quite patronising towards me as an adult learner.

At present, the only course they could offer me would be a full media course, which incorporates photography, but as this is for days a week for 2 years, it doesn't fit my work schedule.

I was advised to look at Burnley college's website for details of their photography course. I did.....it was £1,300!!!! No wonder students are poor; I work full time but couldn't afford this! This was for a diploma course, which is way more money than I'm willing to pay and possibly more advanced than I wanted too.
Ideally, I want a short term, evening course just to teach me the basics, but it seems this just doesn't exist.

Tonight's blip is of the tv studio (complete with green screen) at the college.

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