Young love!

Today was the first day Asha's really cried about going to school....distracted her by talk of her break-time snacks! Poor lamb...tough being in yet another new language with new kids that aren't that open to playing with you yet...Anyway she perked up when she discovered her and Isabel were going to a free ballet class this afternoon and then on to meeting up with Rudy at THE café.
I've had a productive day too...prayer walking, time in the square, cleaning, coffee with my old photography teacher, Eva, brainstorming for a film project 24-7 are doing, etc etc.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into a photographer I've been getting to know at Ibiza Rocks - nice to have a bit of an unexpected catch up with him!
2) Asha having friends outside of school - I know friendships will definitely grow there, but so nice to see her playing happily with Isabel & Rudy.
3) Having a really friendly hello from a Roma guy I don't really know yet.

(The flowers in Asha's hair were from a guy in the street!)

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