Picnic Season

Asha had another good day at school...so glad it's going well! 
Today was my retreat day, so holed myself up in a café with Bible & books...wonderful.
Then this afternoon (which is anything from 5-8pm here!) we met up with a friend and her daughter for some park time....they brought their 2 dogs, so the girls had fun throwing the ball for them and scootering around. Nice to catch up with Joha too...we've not seen each other all summer, neither of us has been free at the same time. Looking forward to a quieter Winter and seeing different people again.
After that (and a quick ice cream with J & I) we took our tea down to the rocks and enjoyed the last of the sunset... Now that tourists are thinning out and the evenings are cooler, picnic teas by the sea are back on! Bliss!
Have added an extra in with Dalt Vila in the background. It's a shame someone's been graffiti-ing the rocks....why do people do that?!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A good book my Dad sent me...spent much of the morning reading it and learning lots. 
2) A fun bit of camaraderie with a waitress in the café when a persistent pigeon KEPT coming in and being hard to shoo out! I enjoyed the bit of fun with the woman!
3) Watching how well Asha and Isabel got on...they've not seen each other all summer, but it was like they'd never been apart. 

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