
By LadyPride


Squidge was in our bed tossing and turning last night and the morning arrived way too quickly for my liking. Had a disastrously late school run, hated my hair and outfit and generally just felt bleurghhhhh all day.

Even managed to get my knickers stuck in my skirt, thankfully a kind lady tipped me off. I then sent an inappropriate 'X' to a client on an email and a man fell ill on my train on the way home so we were delayed. Ever think it wasn't worth getting out of bed?

On the plus side had an amazing meeting with my sister (yep PR for her firm!) a lovely lunch with a virtual friend - who I hope will become an actual friend - and a lazy end of day with Squidge and cartoons. And watched X Factor Bootcamp on the sofa and had my tea cooked for me. Bliss.

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