Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Shock Waves!!

It's hard to get the right image sometimes and your hairstyle tells a lot about you.

Roo really has the most fantastic hair but it is almost time for a trim, he isn't like me he doesn't really need the help of gel to style his locks as it just seems to spike on his own... Sid Vicious would've been proud.

Whilst on a walk tonight, we crossed a field Roo stopped and I carried on, a few seconds later he was barking, I thought someone was coming so turned to see what the fuss was about, he was just sitting down looking at me and barking, I turned and went back to him and he must have stood on a nettle and decided it was time to be carried... I did tell him that I'd get the magic sponge out on him that the football players use and rubbed his foot with a doc leaf, he pretended abit longer but he's fine now!!!

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