wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew


Hallo, TonyTiger Bear here.
Mom just took this in a darker living room. I hate the flash and won't tolerate it. However, dad was crinkling paper. Way too interesting.
How was your week last week? Mine was irritating. It was mom's birthday. Mine is September 27th in case anyone wants to know. It's my adoption date and I will be 5. But I digress. Anyway She celebrated a lot and came home after our bedtime. The kitchen table is a sore replacement for our bed. I had to wait there for her.
Not to mention there are 3 other beds in the house and a couch and numerous chairs.......forget it. I want her.
I have some competition on the bed lately. Ethel is there. She steps on me because she is blind. I step on her because I can. She has the hissing thing down.
Mom had peanut m and ms this week. She had them in her back pocket and sat on them. They were gross. But a worthy opponent in the crinkly paper category.
I also found a can of buttons. Tons of buttons. I helped mom sort them out and....moved some around. Those are now mine. Everything belongs to TonyTigerbear. Except ketchup caps. I hate ketchup.
I have decided I don't like chicken. It's gross. I spit it out and shook my head. I like it in a can. Not fresh. When I am done with my food I cover it up. I found Dads dirty clothes pile and put two pair of underwear over it. I'm not fussy. I have used socks, a paper bag and a towel once. Hey leave it on the floor it's fair game. Mom laughed really loud. Then put her clothes away.
So I am heading off to bed. I have made mom suffer enough. I am going up to our bed. Yes it is our bed. Not yours, mine. Pretty much like every thing in the house.
So goodnight to the north and.......G'day downunder!


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