Cheerful Challenge - Day 1

I'm starting what amounts to a self-preservation challenge to post something cheerful every day.  It's going to be my way of dealing with a particularly difficult situation at work which has nothing cheerful about it.  We started a trial today and spent the day drifting around on the periphery of ugly topics; child sexual abuse and animal cruelty.  Sadly, it's only a prelude to what will be the main focus of the trial and my work day for at least the next three weeks. 

There isn't a one of us on the court staff who is looking forward to this but it's the job, so we're sticking together and trying to make the best of it.   We've had some difficult trials in the nine years I've been there but I think this one will take the prize. 

 We work in an adversarial atmosphere but there are moments of humor and moments of education and sometimes even pleasure when a wrong is righted, but I've always tried to leave work at work and so that's what I'm going to do.  I'm certainly not going to post any details or "progress reports"; just a happy picture, if I can find one between home and the courthouse.  And, I'll be checking (as usual) on all the journals I love to add positive notes to my day.  So, thank you all in advance, Polly Dog, MD, BezziePet, Alice, Dolly, ArtistAnnie, MaryJo, Chrissel, KevinV, Deb, RobT, Alison666 and so many others.  You will brighten my corner of the world in more ways than you can imagine.  

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