Gemini at Midnight

A fairly overcast and dull day with showers at times.

Another day in the museum office and been scanning and mending old photos from the 1880s.  Strange old photos, they were printed on to metal, not the best to survive in Shetland, especially an old damp crost house but these seemed to have survived the elements.  I've also been down helping on the desk at times and various other jobs in the museum.
That mad dash from work to work in the pub.  I've finished early and going to enjoy a relaxing evening at home.

I took this photo just after midnight last night.  It was such a lovely calm evening and the reflections were looking good.  This is the pesky Gemini, where a lot of those pesky oil men stay.  It's a nice looking ship and looks great at night, but I can't wait for it to slip the ropes and leave for good :)  Taken from the Kiln Bar, Scalloway. 

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