Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Window Shopping

No 1 is settling into University Life.  She purchased her first two text books (£70 ! - Mr S offered to pay).  The maths book was full of Calculus and had me salivating with envy, and the Architecture book is definitely one I'll be leaving on my coffee table!

We were worried that the first few years of her course would be mostly theory and Maths, but today she had 2 hours in a workshop learning how to use power tools ! She has her first 'structure' to produce by Friday.

Essential arty materials were required....and the first essential - a Macbook Air !  Courtesy of her Student Loan (and the fact she is living at home and not paying rent).  In MY day we were lucky to receive a student grant rather than a loan, but I still had to pay my mum 'digs' money.

No 2 had a trial at Hockey, I think it went well (she doesn't like to converse in English with us mere mortals).  I've encouraged her to find some new hobbies to replace the 6 hours of dancing she recently gave up.

No 3 - well she had a test to play the Fiddle.  I'm gutted - as I was desperate for a Brass player to keep me company.

A walk around Dalry at lunchtime. Spotted this shop window - everything from the Koran to Monopoly ! 

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