
By Incredibish

Happy Cross Spider

Sunbathing in the front garden, how could she be cross? Yet, European Cross Spider - Araneus diadematus - she be. The biggest one I've seen all year. Mostly harmless to us, she builds and rebuilds her web every day; eating it and everything in it each night.

Just for fun, I've added an extra screen shot. I've been playing Elite Dangerous since it came out, after kickstarting it back in 2012. I'm not very good at it, but last night I met myself* and I almost killed me! I wouldn't mind but I was flying a far inferior ship to the one I was flying... this shot taken as I did a "Brave Sir Robin"**

* in the kickstarter one of my rewards was to have a game controlled character named after me.
** see Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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