
By BikerJim

~Approaching Thunderstorm~

~At Sunset~

~BikerJim - The Poet Photographer And Occasional Tough Guy~

Met another photographer, Gene, while enjoying this display.
We talked long after the sun had set, in the cold wind.
Seemed like neither one of us wanted to end the conversation.
But, it became obvious that the temperature was taking over.
It turns out we belong to the same local photography club.
I had seen him and he had seen me, but we had not met.
We'll talk more at the next meeting, great guy, a lucky encounter.

Thanks Blippers for stopping and
enjoying the sunset along with me
on Catalina Hills Ridge Road.
Hope you all didn't catch a chill.

Just joking about the 2nd subtitle!
But which part am I joking about?

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Epilogue #4

I've had a hankering lately to start writing poetry again. I use to write quite a bit of it back in the 80's, it wasn't good, but I did like doing it. Maybe that is something I could attach to some of my photographs. Gosh, how does that sound, 'BikerJim, the poet photographer".
Has a certain ring to it, lol.
Sometimes I think I fancy myself a little too much.
Maybe way too much, sometimes!!! ;o)))

The Sea Of Life

I am a boat cast upon the sea,
Without rudder to help guide me.
I don't have a sail to catch the wind,
And have no engine to create a din.
Of my course, I'm still not sure,
But a distant horizon has an allure.
What cleaves the water is my prow,
All I can do is just follow my bow.
No compass, to tell me where I'm going,
All I do know is that the tide is flowing.
I have a star that I watch at night,
But to guide my journey, it has no might.
During the day it is never a sure bet,
To see where my sun will finally set.
I know where I've been, but not where I'm going,
So, my adventure in life, is in the not knowing. . . . . . . .

Poem by Tucson Jim

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