Thig a dearradh co dhuibh!

There will always be an ending regardless!

Another funeral, this time for the stalwart  lady who worked in the local bookshop. Originally from Skye but spent most of her life in Mid Argyll, I used to pop in every other day to have a blether. She was a larger than life character and called it for what it was.
I remember her telling me of a member of the aristocracy who came in to pay for a book she had ordered, when on presenting her cheque on which was written Lady such & such, without a blink,  R said " ach well you will have lost your Miss a long time ago" such was her quick wit. 
When she  stopped working , the book shop lost much of it's appeal  to me, no offence to the present staff who are lovely, but they just don't have that Highland repartee she had.
I have never seen the local parish church so packed as it was today, what a splendid send off and as she liked a good dram, tonight we will raise our glass  and say
A huile latha sona dhut gun aon latha dona dhut.
My Gaelic spelling may be a bit dodgy but translated May  your every day be a good day  and no day be a bad day.

The cross is is the local Blarbuie woods .

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