Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

A Hungry Thrasher

This is the first time I've caught any bird other than a house finch at the bird feeder.  Hopefully, it will be the first of many to come.  A small variety of ground foraging birds have stopped by, including these Curved-billed thrashers and covey's of Gambel's quail.

I'm going to my nephrologist (kidney specialist) this morning.  I'll be seeing him for the last time and switching to a new one - unless I'm willing to travel clear to the other side of the city to their northwest office where he will be assigned full-time now.  I've been seeing him since I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease five years ago, so I'm very sad about this.  I really, really like him and will miss him.  He told me I can always switch back to him if I change my mind, though.  Something to keep in the back of my head.

Have a great day!

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