Around Lochness

Off to the Puffin Pool early this morning and we had a rainbow in our sights the whole way. By the time I was home the sun was shining and the rain had stopped. We packed a picnic and after picking up some leaflets for Mike we headed down so of the back roads.
First we stopped at the very pretty Daviot Church which has an Icelandic feel to it. A land Rover was in the car park and we wondered if it may have had ferrets in the back. There was lots of mole hills in the Church yard and evidence of rabbits so maybe they were being used to clear the area?
The church used to be called the 'kirk of the golden cockerel ' by the Drovers because of the weathervane.
We explored the interesting Church and Graveyard in Dunlichity with it's ancient Watch tower and marks of arrows and swords in the walls where they were sharpened.
We were accompanied by a lovely herd of cows mooing. I never knew they had such different moos. They had heard the farmer coming in his tractor.
Lunch at the side of a Loch and then I was lucky to get this shot of the red squirrel ,through the car window, which had run in front of the car and then up a tree.
A stop off in Dores for an icecream, admired the ducks and view and then home to find the internet was off. An hour on the phone to BT and we're now back online :))

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