Devon Side!

I'm going to get the worst thing I did, or rather didn't do today, over with first as I can't believe I did it. I was covering for another coop member and went up to put them to bed only to find them still locked in the coop. There was no sound from them and I half did half didn't want to open the coop to see what I would find. Luckily all were fine, just hungry and thirsty, and would you believe they hadn't eaten the eggs they had laid? I swore and cursed the coop member for not having arranged morning cover as I watched them eat and drink- I gave them a few eggs to apologise. I had only been down the road early that morning and had driven past the gate. Coming back from friends chickens I saw him! I stopped and said I had already done it, whereupon I found out it was the morning we had arranged! I checked my email on arriving home and he was right! He was covering my sunday eve in return. I usually check the day and time I am covering and can't believe I didn't this time and got it wrong. No harm has been done but I feel so bad. In the 5 years we have had them I have never done this before and I feel just awful even though they are all fine, but it has been a gorgeous day and they would have had such fun in the sun.
So, back to this morning, I did have a lovely time on the Devon side at Tuckermarsh and then Gawton. Misty views, cows, sheep, unknown big bird, hay bales, or are they straw bales? Home by 9 and then a day relaxing. Tilly came out of the coop on her own and sunbathed in the conservatory! That made me very happy! Even Fat Cat came and slept there too - thankfully not both at the same time! Yes, I also slept there! 
So early rise again tomorrow for friends chickens and then Bedruthan Hotel for a plant sale and then some photos on  Mawgan Porth Beach! If I get there early enough maybe early morning photos too!  

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