Miracle never cease

By CeeCee

Hands are not always handy

Yes, as you can see from the blip there is a shadow, thus darkness, thus night, thus I am still awake at some ridiculous time. Slumber land is a far and distant place that my body's sat nav does not have the co-ordinates for. So ever the resourceful teacher I thought I would put my time to good use. I have done some typing up: the need for neatness is another obsession of mine. Still awake I was lying thinking and looking at all the exciting things the light does the the everyday objects in my room. Ah ha brainwave!!!! Photo session.

In have very large hands- they are as big as my Dad's. I am tall so I don't look like I have snow shovels on the end of my arms if you were so thinking. I can reach 13 notes on the piano and used to enjoy playing as a child. You take your hands for granted. A year ago I was injured in my job and my hand was damaged(note odd shaped middle finger.) I now only have 30% use of my left hand. I am a VERY stubborn person and try and do most things for myself as I hate asking for help. But sometimes I have to and it is so,so out of nature for me as I am so independent.

I have learnt a lot this year. I have some wonderful friends and there are some very special people in this world. But there are also some people who have little understanding for people who have some kind of restriction in their lives. These people need to learn that everyone has talents regardless of their package and anything can be overcome- with help.

Rant over :-)

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