The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Golden gull

As I was leaning on the wall taking this shot across the estuary to the sun setting behind Grange, Gus was barking his way round the woof trees.  Yet another golden sunset, preceded by twin suns (see extra).

In the warmth of the afternoon, Reggie was on the lawn munching - which suggests he isn't ready yet for hibernation (this time last year he had already disappeared).  He's not going back to his house at night though, so we are going to have to keep a sharp eye on him this next week.

Otherwise, the main thing I managed to do today was scale the bay tree and take the top out.  Bad news for the nesting wood pigeons next year, but good news for getting more light into the garden and the house.

Will I be able to get up at 3 am to see the supermoon eclipse?  I'm sure there will be a lot of very good lunar blips tomorrow, so no need to worry about a photo, but I would like to see it anyway.  Shame tomorrow is Monday!

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