
It's been a lovely calm and sunny day, a fine warm day too :)

I've been at work in the museum today but it's a later start than a week day, so I got an extra hour in bed :)
I thought it was going to be a quiet day, with it being such a fine day but there's been plenty of folk about.  There was an unexpected cruise liner in Lerwick today.  The passengers told me there had been bad weather out at sea and came, and what a great day for them to arrive :)
It's a quiet night ahead.  My sister Laura and Shaun came down for a visit.  Feet are now going up and have an earlier night, I want to enjoy my day off tomorrow :)

I hadn't planned to go to Whiteness today but I somehow ended up there at lunchtime for a walk about.  I was taking a few photos of the house on the left, as it kind of looks like a skull :)  Shame I had to work today, I've missed such a lovely day and a great day for photos!! 

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