'Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring'...
...A little excursion to Beale Park was fun this afternoon.
The weather was glorious, kids (of all ages) were eating ice creams and the animals, ducks and geese were all on amazing photogenic form.
Favourites were tortoises (lumbering yet speedy), owls (all Hedwiggy and gorgeous), meerkats ('I'll be the lookout, you just keep digging') and a wallaby ('I've found an apple tree but I don't think anyone can seen me eating the apples.Go away - I don't care if I have tummy ache later').
Arrived home in the early evening.
Rang an elderly relative to say 'hi'.
'I'm sorry I wasn't up yet', he said, obviously still deeply in the arms of Morpheus.
It took a good few, stroppy minutes (him, not me!) to convince him that it wasn't yet tomorrow morning. I felt quite guilty.
I'm very behind with comments.
I hope to catch up during the week.
Happy Special Moon Night. Isn't it a stunner?
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