Tarawera Times

By Megl


This kereru was sitting in the cherry tree this morning, just outside the house. Even left my coffee to get a shot of him! And well worthwhile as managed to get there as he(or she??!!) nibbled away on a blossom. My aim is to try and capture them in flight, but as yet they have just resulted in an out of focus blur.

In town again this morning to photograph a house for the Book a Bach site. There are now quite a number of houses available for holiday rental in Rotorua, and evidently they are very busy especially with all the mountain bikers. Have spent the afternoon at the computer processing them.

And just as I was about to go this morning, Cody raced back to the house with a trout he had just caught ( photo please Nana!). He and Ian were off cleaning the boat and evidently Cody said " I will just toss this line in first and get our dinner"!!! The result is the extra....and it is getting cooked for dinner.

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