
By LadyPride

Fifty Shades of Grey

It hasn't really stopped raining since Audrey was born except for a break in the clouds one afternoon earlier this week. I hadn't actually noticed until today as the outside world is so removed from my mind at the moment. But today I noticed and it's official, this weather sucks!

I want to take Audrey out in the pram and trundle round the local streets in the fresh air. But how can I in this??

The omnipresent sound of rain on the window and clothes in the tumble dryer is worrying me. I said I'd never be this person. I said I'd get out when I had a baby. I have to have a life too. Domesticity is all well and good but I'd like to put my lipstick on again. Maybe curl my hair.

I'll get my wish this weekend. Its the Big Trip to Manchester City Centre for lunch and a haircut tomorrow, (ironic as would have thought nothing of doing this before she arrived - now it seems a massive deal!), then up to Cumbria to introduce Audrey to her Great Grandma on Sunday. How on earth will the Gina Ford regime (which worked last night incidentally - she slept 5 hours in one stretch) work on the move?? Panic!!!

Mum and Dad came over for lunch earlier (well, 'with lunch' to be precise - no-one is allowed to visit without bringing food at the moment, new rule). It was so nice to see them. They seem smitten with Audrey and Mum kept telling us how well we'd done to bring her into the world. They're pencilled in for babysitting in a week or so as depressingly I need to go to Nottingham for an unavoidable work presentation. The curse of running your own business and not having proper maternity leave unfortunately!

Today's blip pic is taken from my bedroom window as I haven't left the house all day (again). Manchester is grey and miserable. I thought this picture summed up the outside world. The Baby Greys I'm calling it....roll on tomorrow when we see civilisation again!!!

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