Simply Me

By Suze981

Now we're having fun...

So after not going for a hill run last night, I decided that I really had to go tonight. The conditions were better - generally less rain and less fog, so why not? The night I'm going to be dressed in a light suit may be a wet, misty one so you've got to try it in all conditions. I've got to say though, that I've never felt more hardcore!!

I decided to go out at 4.30 rather than leave it till night though, safety first and all that!

The first hill up tonight was hard. My calves were practically begging me to stop. Running in mud and water is tougher than I thought it'd be! I took a photo of my mud encased foot, but went with this shot in the end.

When I got to the top, I felt great. I ran right along the edge of the Crags. Although not too close to fall off! I love this shot, the Crags look double-vision (there must be a more technical word for this) but that's just the next part behind covered in mist. I also like the way you can see the fog covering the rest of Edinburgh below.

The trip down was by far the best part. At first I was really cautious, not wanting to slip and fall. Once I realised how much I trusted the grips on my trail shoes though, I totally went for it.

I practically threw myself down the hill! I was having so much fun! I may have scared a few tourists bounding down the hill at them out of the mist! I was completely fearless - that's such a good feeling to have sometimes, it's totally liberating!

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