Proud Weegie

By Shiv


 A real Indian Summer in Scotland.  20 degrees, blue sky,  and a stunning sunset.

This evening I had a committee meeting (the first official one) for the Newmains Band - although an accident on the M8 and miles of tailbacks was conspiring to keep me away.

I tried the 'Lang Whang' road - but so too did all the other commuters  (and one VERY annoying and painfully SLOW tractor!).

Arrived 45 minutes late to the splendid brand new Community Centre and future venue for our rehearsals.

A very positive meeting, loads of possible avenues for funding and performing, very positive interest from new players - although there seems to be a dearth of cornet players!  If you play a brass instrument with 3 valves and wish to join us for a 'good blow' and some chat then let me know.

In the Weegie house - No 3 has been accepted to play the violin.  She is over the moon.  I just hope she gets bitten by the music bug and practises ! I don't really care WHAT instrument she plays (although I would be secretly pleased if it was a brass one!!!) - as long as she loves it and has as much fun as I had (and am still having!!).

Her older sisters played cello for a number of years, and I suspect only gave up because they got fed up carrying the damn thing!

Ordered her new violin online this evening (50 quid - not bad really - especially as the lessons are free),  here's hoping the neighbours are equally appreciative of her musicality !

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