
By Cigs

South Gray Street

A glorious summer's day - d'you think it's finally arrived, then? Here's hoping.

Late in the day I was purchasing harissa and pistachios (not for the same recipe - really??) from Maqbools and it seemed rude not to carry further on up the road for a wee Cigs. 
He was smoking; great clouds of it, too as he walked his livewire daughter homeward; sadly my trigger finger was sufficiently alert to get this, but hey... always good to get a smoker in the Cigs blip.

Now to get into the kitchen; harissa; honey and lemon juice to stick the prawns in before making the rest of the salad.

Black paint on grey dead letter box for the postie. Dated 14; two full stops too. A rare but not quite unique thing.

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