investigations of a dag

By kasty

butter fingers

this is the hand
that dropped the phone
into a whacking great huge puddle of June rain.

A day of radiator heat and rice drying cannot fix it, so somewhere into the ether floats the blips of the past three days. Splash, fizzle, poof, d'oh..

Planning to hold a phone seance tomorrow to rescue my blips from limbo (blimbo?) and cast them back into the new phone coming tomorrow. Fingers crossed the re-incarnation works.

Oh the joys of modern living. Am on backup work phone which is the size of a 1980's ghetto blaster and only rings when it feels like it. How did we all manage without these things?

In other news met friend G's for his birthday coffee chat and worked from home listening to more Ulysses which was good. Heard late last night that my 3 yr old god dotter Nat fell off her scooter and needed surgery to remove a bit of stone from her lip. I hear she is doing well and stuffing toast down her firmly lodged teeth so she's fine but looks like she's inherited my calamity genes. She'll get a high five from this hand when I next see her. No scars apparently. Phew..

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