investigations of a dag

By kasty

top of the mountain

Finally.. I get out to the pentlands for a run.
This is the cusp of the last hill (Maiden's Cleaugh) at the end of a 12 mile circuit that I do. The stone wall has been rubbed down by a thousand muddy boots and trainers rolling over the top and looking forward to the downhill beyond where the Glencourse reservoir sparkles.

20 mph winds and rain weren't the best conditions to try it but with a little help from Sheen Masheen I got out there and did it anyway. Very glad I did. Managed round not too badly. A few pathways had become rivers so a combination of wading / clambering over rocks slowed me a bit but it's a nice place to slow down. Aside shorn sheep and fat lambs, I saw frothing waterfalls, cheeky little pee-wits, oyster catchers and kestrels. Sheen herself wasn't running (bad hip and bad cold) but it was lovely to drag my wet muddy behind to our usual place to get a coffee afterwards.

We used to do this every weekend through snow, rain, hail and thunder. Over the last few years I even got used to the crop rotation in the fields and heather burning patterns. With Sheen on night shift at weekends it hasn't been possible for a while. I've missed it. Miss her being there too - even if it is just a swinging pony tail far off on the horizon. We started this four years ago, running and catching up on Saturday mornings in the pentlands. The two of us had so many things on our minds then, it was a lot healthier than just moaning. By the time you'd run it off in such a beautiful place what was left to speak about was always a better conversation. Course, she got really good and starting winning things whereas I keep toddling round at granny speed. Not that I had much choice today in the howling rain.

Will be one of the things I miss the most when I move. In my head I want to try to come back every month or so (if I can afford it, bus maybe?) and keep going round with Sheen. I know it will be harder but think I will still need the space and the rain and the good chats

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