Happy birthday big dog.

It's 9 years today since you bounced into our house and made a mark for life.

There was great discussion before you came and promises made. The children were 6 and 7. They so wanted you, they would love you, they would walk you, they would come with me for a walk, they would play with you, groom you and feed and water you. They kept their promise - for a week.

Then it was down to me. And i didn't mind. I loved my walks with you. I loved it when you stood behind me and i loved it when you bounced to greet me. I got frustrated when you wouldn't come in from the garden when i was in a rush to go to work, i threatened to leave you outside all day but you knew i wouldn't cos i didn't trust you not to go and play with the cows in the field.

You were in the field one night I didn't know i had a hole in the hedge till you went through it, I had to ask a neighbour to go and get you cos i was scared of the cow things that were baby bulls. This made him late for a date! I was grateful his date didn't believe him. Sorry date it was true.

Another night you got through and i couldn't get through the fence - too large I had to roll under the wiring, the field had just been spread with slurry! How nice and you thought it great fun.

These last few months have been a struggle for all of us especially you. You were an old boy and you weren't well. You lost your spark, your naughtiness and became tired, sad and slow. Walks were a problem, going outside an effort. You were stressed and probably in pain and when the decision had to be made it was really made for us for which I am thankful for.

Today is your birthday as it is to us. We don't know where or when your real birthday was so we called it today 30th september because that was the day we brought you home. I always bought you a new collar for your birthday and today I'm sorry I didn't get a new one, we've kept your old one. Teenage son is looking after it for you so we don't need a new one.

We"ll just say Happy Birthday Big dog.


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