Journey Through Time

By Sue

A Lucky Break

I glanced outside just in time to see this butterfly flutter in and I grabbed the camera and went out there.  It stayed for a brief time, allowing me to get this image.  My initial identification is a Pink Edged Sulphur but I just signed up with Butterflies and Moths of North America and sent in this photo to get a precise ID.  If this is the Pink, then it's a bit rare to see it in our location. 

I went to my physical therapy today and I am now going to go to a once a week routine for a month.  I hope by the end of that time, if I'm a very good girl and do what I'm supposed to do to stretch the area around my shoulder that has decided to freeze up on me, then MAYBE I will be almost back to normal.  Cross fingers and toes...if you can.

We are going to go to Corvallis this Sunday to celebrate my step-dad's 90th birthday!!  Should be fun.

Gotta go kids.  (I back blipped yesterday's entry.)

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