Failed Bus Challenge No 69!!

Into Bath for a guided walk of the city, following in the footsteps of Jane Austen. The walk was the last of a series being held, to coincide with a special exhibition that was running at Victoria Art Gallery, looking at the Bath that Jane Austen saw on her visits here, experiencing the sights, sounds and places so vividly depicted in her novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey.

After waiting for 40 minutes for the guide to arrive, we were finally told by the organisers that there had been a mistake with the dates on the website and the final walk had taken place at the weekend. Feeling more than a tad disgruntled, we visited the exhibition instead, then went to the Parade Gardens for a picnic lunch in the sun where I came upon this memorial to King Edward VII.

Total bus journey time = 50 mins

Have now posted my fifth French back blip, here's a link if you'd like to take a look:

Day 5 - Le Dune du Pyla!!

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