All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Holy Island

As the forecast was for a nice, sunny day today, we decided to pay a day trip to Holy Island. So off we went - hubbie, I, Ethan, Granny & Grandpa. Paula and her family didn't make it though as by the time they were ready, there wouldn't have been enough time to make the trip worth their while before the tide turned and the causeway was covered in water!

We had a really fun time exploring the castle and Priory. Ethan kept picking daisies and handing them to random strangers! Everyone took them with a smile for him, apart from one grumpy old man who virtually brushed him off and then tried to ignore him! Ethan was also very taken with an "upside down boat" - a boat which was tipped to one side due to the low tide, and insisted on going back to look at it over and over again!

After about 3 hours on the island we headed back to the mainland and took Ethan to the beach, where he enjoyed splashing in the sea with his wellies on and collecting stones and shells.

I've ended up with a killer headache this evening though so am having an early night while hubbie takes Ethan to the kids show with Paula and her boys.

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