Views of my world

By rosamund


Ok, I know, you're probably wondering where the wool is??

Well you see, Seona (on the right), picked me up after work and we headed off to Cockermouth at 4.00pm. We made good time and got down the road for the back of 7 after picking up some yummy Chinese food. We all congregated for some spinning and drinks in one of the rooms (there's a gang of 12 ).

The rest of the girls who made it down earlier in the day did have lots to show and tell but it will be tomorrow morning before Seona and I get to hit the stalls. In the meantime I spun up all the fibre on my gift bobbin which is a lovely collection of little bits of all kinds of fibres that we share every Spin Saturday or at our guild meetings.

Really looking forward to tomorrow, hoping to get a fine stash, no doubt pics to follow!

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