A Happy Face

It was about the only smile I saw from her today.
She was grumpy as heck from when she got up and that stayed with her until I dropped her off at nursery.
She was nearly in tears when I went to pick her up because she had lost her nursery fleece (she had left it on the back of a seat that a teacher was sitting on).
At 5pm she asked to go to bed because she had a sore head ..... no dinner (but a shallow bath).
By 5.15pm she was in bed asleep.
Poor wee scone!

Her big brother was in fine fettle (after he finished at school - he was a wee horror before school).
He ate like a horse and tonight will be out late as he is taking part in a martial arts demonstration.

I was happy that the car passed its 1st MOT with flying colours (it still cost a small fortune for that and the service though).

Now I am about to sit and have a stiff drink - just because I can (for a change)

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