
By timguru

Mucking about in boats

The Pheonix out for a bit of water time. Yesterday was race day however I was mowing croquet lawns so had to miss the first day of the summer races.
This is my RC (radio control ) yacht, I need as much practice as I can get. So today was windy enough to get in a couple of hours of tacking, coming about and running before the wind. I feel a bit more confident now about these tasks as there is never much time before the races to get much practice in and there are always  large flotilla's of other yachts trying to get their practice in before the race as well and it can get a bit congested on the pond.
So today I had it all to myself bar the odd swallow coming in for water scooping practice. It was lovely and warm luckily I remembered my hat otherwise I would have been burnt to a crisp. A lovely day for a bit of sailing.

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